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High Value Mortgages

London City

High Value Mortgages

In the bustling landscape of the UK's housing market, where high-end properties are in demand, securing substantial financing necessitates the expertise of a mortgage broker well-versed in £1 million mortgages.

As the capital's housing market thrives and demand surges for seven-figure mortgages, it's evident that more buyers are seeking financing for premium properties.

Whether you're in the market for a million-pound mortgage for a new home, contemplating a remortgage for an existing property, or delving into investment opportunities, Our Mortgage Broker is dedicated to sourcing competitive £1 million + mortgage solutions tailored to your needs.

Mortgages exceeding one million pounds typically transcend off-the-shelf products. While historically, such mortgages were exclusive to private banks, a broader spectrum of lenders now cater to borrowers seeking substantial financing.

These lenders recognise that securing a million-pound mortgage entails assessing more than just income. They delve into various assets such as shares, dividends, bonuses, pension schemes, and properties, adopting a comprehensive approach to lending.

This holistic perspective ensures access to the most competitive mortgage deals, accommodating lower deposits or mortgages extending up to 10 times your income.

Our Mortgage Broker provides bespoke services tailored to high net worth individuals seeking financing for exceptional properties.

Amidst heightened competition to attract affluent borrowers, many lenders actively cater to the financial needs of wealthy clients. Our Mortgage Broker routinely arranges large mortgages exceeding £1 million for clients who may not meet mainstream lenders' criteria, often collaborating with specialised banks.

In today's competitive private banking sector, additional assets under management are no longer mandatory for accessing substantial loans.

While banks typically stipulate a 10% deposit requirement for loans exceeding £1 million, this may vary based on your financial circumstances and assets.

To secure larger mortgage loans, our advisers leverage specialist teams established by high street lenders and private banks. They assess your overall financial situation meticulously, striving to find solutions that align with your borrowing requirements.

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